Buffalo Bills were awesome on here

This game never gets old

James Brooks is the backup RB for the Bengals. Top 2 go out he be***es best player when the 2 are back.

is it possible to use an x box controller with this?

Is it possible for two players to play against each other on one ***puter?

I like this game however, I cannot figure out how to save?

Go to bottom of the screen of the game window and find the cloud.Click on save progress.You can also use shift and s as well.I would save it on your hdd as a backup so in that same menu where you found your cloud just click on the down arrow.

Wow you are a dickhead bro

we should play each other sometime.I'm the chicago Bears right now.This game has a huge cult following!

Wow this is buggy as shit bro... ****://dqiucun

i love

i love this game in the day one of my buddies was the saints the dolphins and me the ninerz. its nutts that young was the backup then. the ninerz were just unstoppable in this game.

How do you ask people on here if they want to play something.do u just ask on the ***ments in that game and wait for a response or pick a name that's online and ask or what do you do i know you click that symbol to start the multiplayer but i think

My all time favorite. I remember saving up 50.00 to by this game when it came out! haha